Our Global Maintenance contracts are target oriented, specifying a set of targets that have to be reached, in terms of availability, reliability, failure frequency, regularity, HSE objectives …etc, all requirements to achieve these targets are the company’s responsibilities, which are not limited to: - Maintenance Portfolio Management.
- Competent skilled engineers and technicians.
- Maintenance Tools and Requirements.
- Maintenance Material (e.g. spare parts, consumed material, and fabricated material … etc).
- Overhauls and turnaround activities.
- Supporting services (scaffolding, lifting operation, insulation, painting, and NDT, equipment, etc).
- Workshops operation activities.
- Outsourced specialized services (third party, vendor/manufacturer representatives, subcontractors, etc).
The Global Maintenance services scope can be broaden to take account of the Maintenance Engineering stage, developing concepts, criteria, technical and commercial requirements in conceptual and acquisition phases to assure effective maintenance support of assets. |