Corporate Social Responsibility

Published: 12/31/2024 05:00:00 PM

Egyptian Maintenance Company (EMC): Committed to Sustainability & Social Responsibility in 2024

At Egyptian Maintenance Company (EMC), our commitment to CSR is deeply embedded in every aspect of our operations, guided by our vision, mission, and core values. This commitment extends beyond mere compliance to actively contribute to sustainable development and positive social impact, aligning with the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources' CSR Strategy.

Our 2024 CSR Commitment in Action:

EMC's CSR initiatives are aligned with international standards (ISO 26000:2010 and SA8000:2014), the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources CSR Strategy, and in robust coordination with Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC)'s strategic goals. Our collaboration with EGPC ensures our efforts contribute to broader national sustainable development objectives within the petroleum sector. Our detailed CSR Manual guides our actions, ensuring transparency and accountability. Our commitment is demonstrated through concrete actions across various key areas:

Organizational Governance:

We maintain transparent and ethical decision-making processes, ensuring accountability at all levels. Our robust governance structure promotes fairness, inclusivity, and efficient resource use. Our Code of Conduct guides our actions, emphasizing integrity and ethical behavior.

Human Rights:

We are fully committed to respecting human rights. EMC ensures fair labor practices, equitable treatment, and a safe and healthy work environment free from discrimination and harassment. Our Due Diligence process identifies and mitigates potential human rights risks.

Labor Practices:

We uphold fair labor practices, ensuring dignity and respect for all employees. This includes adhering to laws and regulations regarding wages, working hours, and working conditions. We promote social dialogue and open communication.

Environmental Sustainability:

EMC prioritizes environmental protection. Our ISO 14001:2015-certified environmental management system minimizes impacts, conserves resources, and promotes energy efficiency, in line with the Ministry of Petroleum's goals. We strive to reduce waste and improve resource efficiency.

Fair Operating Practices:

We are dedicated to ethical business conduct, maintaining transparency, upholding fair competition, and combating bribery and corruption. This commitment extends across our value chain.

Community Engagement:

EMC supports initiatives promoting social and economic development in the communities where we operate. We collaborate with local stakeholders and coordinate with EGPC's community outreach programs and the Ministry of Petroleum's social responsibility initiatives.

Communication and Transparency:

We are committed to open communication with stakeholders, sharing our progress and fostering transparency and accountability. We report our CSR performance to EGPC and relevant government bodies.

2024 Key Initiatives and SDG Alignment:

Our 2024 initiatives demonstrate our commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

  • SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being:

    - Al-Iman General Hospital Project: Through a partnership with the Nile Petroleum Marketing Company, EMC supported the construction of a critical and emergency care building at Al-Iman General Hospital in Assiut Governorate. This initiative directly improves healthcare access and infrastructure in an underserved community.

    - Support for the Supreme Medical Council for the Petroleum Sector: EMC provided significant support to the Supreme Medical Council, advancing health initiatives within the petroleum sector. This strengthens healthcare infrastructure within our industry, complementing our commitment to responsible labor practices.

    - Support for Bahia Foundation for Early Detection and Treatment of Breast Cancer: EMC's contribution to the Bahia Foundation provided crucial support for breast cancer patients.

    - Medical Waste Disposal Device Donation: EMC's contribution to ANRPC enabled the purchase of a modern medical waste disposal device. This investment significantly improves healthcare infrastructure and aligns with our commitment to environmental responsibility and sustainable practices.

  • SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities:

    Housing and Social Services Fund for Petroleum Workers: EMC's contribution to this fund directly improves the living standards and social welfare of petroleum workers and their families, fostering sustainable and inclusive communities. This aligns with our commitment to fair operating practices and stakeholder engagement.

  • SDG 14: Life Below Water: Marine Coral Reef Protection:

    Through collaboration with the South Valley Egyptian Petroleum Holding Company (Ganope) and Shell Egypt, EMC contributed to the "Marine Coral Reef Protection in the Red Sea Islands" project. This initiative demonstrates our commitment to environmental sustainability and responsible resource management.

Looking Ahead:

EMC's commitment to CSR is ongoing. We continuously review and refine our practices, aiming for sustainable development and positive social impact. We welcome feedback and collaboration. Our detailed CSR Manual provides further insights into our commitments and activities. Our commitment to sustainability benefits stakeholders and shapes a better future.