Monday, June 01, 2015 EMC ….. Your Integrated Solutions Provider Campaign – Alexandria Seminar
After the success of the two seminars that were organized by EMC to cover Cairo Area and Sokhna Area through the awareness campaign embarked by EMC, the third seminar was conducted to cover Alexandria Area and was another significant success where EMC introduced to customers the existing and new range of innovative integrated services offered by EMC to optimize cost and enhance operational performance e.g. Turbines Maintenance, Rotating Equipment & Maintenance Workshop, Fabrication Workshop, Static Equipment Services, Offshore Services, Software and Technical Support, Special Services and Asset Integrity Services. The Seminar was hosted at Mediterranean Azur Hotel and Senior Figures attended from more than 30 Companies within the industries of Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Fertilizers, Holding Co. for Water and Waste Water and Marine Forces. Supplementary workshops were conducted to provide an opportunity for EMC representatives to conduct discussions with existing and potential new clients to review in-depth the specific services that EMC are able to offer with a view to future cooperation for customized or integrated operations. 
