Wednesday, October 05, 2016 EMC & Solar Turbines united in Workshop” Bribery & Corruption Fighting Mechanism”
Under the Theme:” Bribery & Corruption Fighting Mechanism”, A Workshop has been held between EMC & Solar Turbines – one of Caterpillar INC- to present both companies’ applicable regulations & systems concerning Corruption & Bribery fighting System. At that Regards, EMC has presented its own system concluded in: - An organization structure called” internal audit” that operates according to Company Regulations & Criteria’s identifying responsibilities & authorities.
- An external auditor is designated to review the company's accounts & assure its conformity to the approved accounting regulations.
- A governmental auditor is nominated to monitor all company's activities & Financial Accounts according to the laws.
All these Steps are the main factor to create a kind of Coordination, Cooperation & integrity aiming to monitor & prevent the Corruption & Bribery expansion and/or penetration. On the other hand, Solar Turbines has presented its own proper corruption & bribery fighting System. The Two Parties have assured that Corruption & bribery fighting mechanism is essentially related to all entities / individuals involved in such system. Complete transparency has surely its effective impact to avoid the subject attitude tendency. At the End, Both parties have agreed to organize a number of this kind of workshop aiming to exchange Experiences & to Share mechanisms & Methodologies. 
